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giff gaff. Great Choice.


giff gaff Halloween

This was one of the first pieces of work I lead as a Creative Lead at Stink Studios. giff gaff tasked us with creating a Halloween campaign for them under the proposition “Great Choice".

After a bit of head-scratching, we came to the conclusion that quite often people make poor choices at this most scary time of year - see the multiple of teenagers who inexplicably do go in there.

We flipped this on it’s head, showing these same characters applying just a smidge of common sense in these familiar situations.

Instagram game

To sweat those assets and get further reach with the campaign, we also developed a game for IG that enabled users to take control of one of our protagonist’s destiny.

YouTube pre-rolls

We also created some “teaser” versions of the assets to be shown before and after YouTube videos that our target audience would be gawping at.
