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Every beer brand claims to be a football fan. But Carling really means it.

So much so, that when England were playing in the 2014 World Cup, there's no way
their pint would have missed it for the world...

Shame they were rubbish, eh?

The whole campaign was reactionary, so headlines were written on the fly according to the latest happenings in the tournament.

The campaign was also nominated for a Campaign BIG Award. Which is nice.

Art direction by Ruud Kool.

Before the tournament


Day before Italy

England vs. Italy

After England lost

Day before Uruguay

England vs. Uruguay

After England's second defeat (Italy needed to win for us to stay in)

Post Italy loss (England out)

Day before England Costa Rica

England vs. Costa Rica (Last England game)

Day after England Costa Rica

Pre Semi final 1

During Semi final 1

During Semi final 2

Pre Holland vs. Argentina

Day After Semi finals

Day before Final

During the final